Every Sunday morning, we have 2 exclusive spaces,
Provided for children of different ages to participate together.
Every Sunday we have 2 allocated time and place for kids of all ages to join. This is an activity most suitable for infants ~ 12 year olds. Every Sunday morning our teachers will introduce our faith and the love of Jesus through biblical story-telling, singing and dancing, and group activities. We welcome you to bring your kids along! We also provide infant rooms for younger children with live broadcast for the care-givers.
Hope Kids
Activities Every Sunday
9:30AM Hope Kids
(Open time 9:10AM)
11:30AM Hope Kids
(Open time11:10AM)
Hi parents! Welcome to Hope Kids. I’m very glad you’re here, I know it’s important for our kids to learn about Jesus every Sunday. At Hope Kids, we’re not only teaching them about the Gospel, but we also teach character by immersing them in an environment that’s positive and glorifying to God. It does take a group to raise a child, I believe at Hope Kids our children can grow up in the company of many big brother and sisters who love God.