
The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

相信耶穌只是信仰的開始,在追尋課程中,我們會分享什麼是救恩、什麼是敬拜、要如何禱告、教會是什麼等等。歡迎剛加入我們,對信仰還不是很認識的大家,一起來學習。2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1 週三 7:00 PM-9:00 PM地點:The Hope Taipei課程詳細資訊及報名連結馬上報名:thehope.co/seek

Children’s Dedication

The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

Children's Dedication is for parents who would like to make a public commitment before the congregation to dedicate their children to God, raising them through the teachings of the Bible as well as spiritual wisdom, and helping them to walk with God throughout their lives.

Hope Nation Christmas Series Events

Hi Hope Nation! Wherever you are, as the year comes to a close, we invite you to return to our home together, to commemorate and give thanks for everything that God has done for us in 2023!

Christmas Market

The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

From December 3rd to December 24th, enjoy delicious, delightful, and heartwarming Christmas markets every Sunday and on December 23rd. The Christmas Market will accompany you in celebrating this year's Christmas!

Christmas Light Up

The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

On December 3rd, join us for the Christmas Light Up event, marking the beginning of the 2023 Christmas month!


The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

你渴望透過真理建造、改變自己的生命嗎?挪出一年的時間來給神吧!我們相信人是值得的、神是配得的。期待跟你在 365 天中,透過聖經課程、做中學,經歷生命的改變、成為真正的領袖。歡迎來到招生說明會了解更多資訊!


The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

At ECHO Worship Night, let’s worship and praise our God with music and singing, listen to God’s response, and leave our footprints of worship! KIDS CARE : THEHOPE.CO/KIDSCARE Venue | The Hope Taipei Join Us Online I YOUTUBE.COM/THEHOPETV


The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

你渴望透過真理建造、改變自己的生命嗎?挪出一年的時間來給神吧!我們相信人是值得的、神是配得的。期待跟你在 365 天中,透過聖經課程、做中學,經歷生命的改變、成為真正的領袖。歡迎來到課程體驗日了解更多資訊!

Hope Kids Serve Day

The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

Hope Kids wants to invite all kids to serve together with us on Hope Experience, and at the same time learn our church culture by building the house of God together through serving.

Heart & Soul

The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

Heart & Soul is a time for pastors to deeply share their heart, vision and DNA for the church. We invite you to come and understand our culture! Sign Up for Child Care | THEHOPE.CO/KIDSCARE      


The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

At ECHO Worship Night, let’s worship and praise our God with music and singing, listen to God’s response, and leave our footprints of worship! KIDS CARE : THEHOPE.CO/KIDSCARE Venue | The Hope Taipei Join Us Online I YOUTUBE.COM/THEHOPETV

Volunteer Fair

The Hope Da’an District, Lane 72, Guangfu South Road, No.71, Taipei City

Let's roll up our sleeves together! Here, you can learn about the service culture of The Hope and get to know the service team. We eagerly look forward to building God's house with you. SIGN UP NOW

English Fellowship

English Fellowship is a monthly gathering for the English-speaking community of The Hope. It is a time of praise, worship, and fellowship; and a place to foster deeper relationships with others as we get to know Jesus more.