35 events found. Events Search and Views Navigation Search Enter Keyword. Search for Events by Keyword. Find Events Event Views Navigation Month List Month Day This Month 5/1/2024 5 月 2024 Select date. Calendar of Events 一 週一 二 週二 三 週三 四 週四 五 週五 六 週六 日 週日 0 events, 29 0 events, 29 0 events, 30 0 events, 30 0 events, 1 0 events, 1 0 events, 2 0 events, 2 0 events, 3 0 events, 3 0 events, 4 0 events, 4 0 events, 5 0 events, 5 0 events, 6 0 events, 6 0 events, 7 0 events, 7 1 event, 8 1 event, 8 9:30 am - 12:00 pm 課程體驗日 5 月/8/20249:30 上午 - 12:00 下午 課程體驗日 你渴望透過真理建造、改變自己的生命嗎? 挪出一年的時間來給神吧! 我們相信人是值得的、神是配得的。 期待跟你在 365 天中,透過聖經課程、做中學,經歷生命的改變、成為真正的領袖。 歡迎來到課程體驗日了解更多資訊! 0 events, 9 0 events, 9 0 events, 10 0 events, 10 0 events, 11 0 events, 11 0 events, 12 0 events, 12 0 events, 13 0 events, 13 0 events, 14 0 events, 14 0 events, 15 0 events, 15 0 events, 16 0 events, 16 0 events, 17 0 events, 17 0 events, 18 0 events, 18 0 events, 19 0 events, 19 0 events, 20 0 events, 20 0 events, 21 0 events, 21 0 events, 22 0 events, 22 0 events, 23 0 events, 23 0 events, 24 0 events, 24 1 event, 25 1 event, 25 2024-05-25 Hope Week Hope Week 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 每年我們都會舉辦 Hope week,在外展憐憫事工中,透過實際的行動去關懷我們所在的城市,今年的 Hope Week 會在 6/15-6/28 舉行,我們即將去到雙北、新竹、台中總共六個機構,一起合作並服事他們的需要。 當中有專門照顧盲童的機構、有課後輔導班也有身心障礙者照護中心。 我們相信,透過實際服務的行動,去祝福和回應我們城市的需要,並且帶下盼望的亮光! 邀請大家參與這次的 Hope We […] 1 event, 26 1 event, 26 2024-05-25 Hope Week 1 event, 27 1 event, 27 2024-05-25 Hope Week Hope Week 1 event, 28 1 event, 28 2024-05-25 Hope Week 1 event, 29 1 event, 29 2024-05-25 Hope Week 1 event, 30 1 event, 30 2024-05-25 Hope Week 1 event, 31 1 event, 31 2024-05-25 Hope Week 1 event, 1 1 event, 1 2024-05-25 Hope Week 1 event, 2 1 event, 2 2024-05-25 Hope Week There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. 星期三, 5 月8, 5 月/8/20249:30 上午 - 12:00 下午 課程體驗日 There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. There are no events on this day. 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 星期六, 5 月25, 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 4 月 This Month 6 月 Subscribe to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
9:30 am - 12:00 pm 課程體驗日 5 月/8/20249:30 上午 - 12:00 下午 課程體驗日 你渴望透過真理建造、改變自己的生命嗎? 挪出一年的時間來給神吧! 我們相信人是值得的、神是配得的。 期待跟你在 365 天中,透過聖經課程、做中學,經歷生命的改變、成為真正的領袖。 歡迎來到課程體驗日了解更多資訊!
2024-05-25 Hope Week Hope Week 5 月/25/20248:00 上午 - 6 月/13/202410:00 下午 Hope Week 每年我們都會舉辦 Hope week,在外展憐憫事工中,透過實際的行動去關懷我們所在的城市,今年的 Hope Week 會在 6/15-6/28 舉行,我們即將去到雙北、新竹、台中總共六個機構,一起合作並服事他們的需要。 當中有專門照顧盲童的機構、有課後輔導班也有身心障礙者照護中心。 我們相信,透過實際服務的行動,去祝福和回應我們城市的需要,並且帶下盼望的亮光! 邀請大家參與這次的 Hope We […]